Over a million Spanish people have psoriasis. To improve their treatment, Psoriasis Action and the Spanish Dermatology and Venereology Academy (AEDV) have created a guide with a series of measures, among which they recommend the use of phototherapy in the treatment of...
Vitiligo treatment is not easy. It entails a lot of constancy and patience until results are achieved. As we have commented on other occasions, according to the information managed by the Association for Vitiligo Patients (Aspavit), up to 90% of sufferers do not...
The extreme cold that we face over this season means we need to take special care of our skin, especially in the case of vitiligo. Despite the winter sun appearing innocuous, you should still be careful with photo-protection, applying a high solar-protection factor...
Children make up 25% of vitiligo sufferers. In the majority of cases, the illness appears between the ages of 10 and 20, with vitiligo cases in nursing infants considered rare. Vitiligo in nursing infants may be linked to other autoimmune illnesses, such as...
A lack of sunlight and the covering of the patches under layers of clothes often result in many patients stopping their vitiligo treatment. It is important to be consistent and to turn to UVB Narrow band phototherapy to continue to repigment the white patches caused...