One of the most effective treatments for vitiligo is UVB narrow wave or band phototherapy, which stimulates the reserve of melanocytes and stabilises the de-pigmentation process.
Numerous studies have confirmed the results of phototherapy with NB ultraviolet UVB, which highlight that the results (visible in over 50% of the cases and especially in cases of focused or segmental vitiligo) occur after a year of treatment, for which it is common for patients to give up on the treatment before reaching this stage.
According to the results of a study performed in the Zagreb University Hospital, 57.9% of the patients that received a combined treatment of narrow-wave phototherapy and gel with superoxide dismutase for six months obtained over 50% of re-pigmentation, especially on the face and neck.
To improve results and to stimulate the re-pigmentation of the skin, the recommendation is to combine phototherapy with photo-sensitising agents and antioxidants, depending on the type of vitiligo.
In the case of vitiligo that affects areas with hair (arms, legs, etc.) a combination is recommended of photo-sensitising agents – both oral and topical – with phototherapy.
In the case of focal vitiligo, which affects localised areas such as the face, hands, etc. the combination of a gel with superoxide dismutase with phototherapy is recommended.
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