Localised vitiligo

If your vitiligo appears in localised areas, such as on the hands, face, genital area, etc. a combined treatment of Meladul Gel and Phototherapy is recommended.

Meladul, based on superoxide dismutase, helps to reduce the oxidative stress in these cells, improving appearance and favouring repigmentation.

The treatment in this cases is recommended as follows:

  • First, apply Meladul Gel everyday, twice a day, on the areas affected by vitiligo.
  • One hour after applying the gel, and only three times a week, use the narrow band UVB lamp, following the instructions.

The application times are measured in seconds and the initial exposure time is always 29 seconds, because the skin is de-pigmented.

The treatment should last between 6 and 24 months to obtain results.



Success stories

Actual photographs of patients treated with Fenadul, Meladul and phototherapy. Patients aged from 8 to 45 subject to treatment for 2 to 4 months.


Vitíligo, actualidad terapéutica

Dr. Agustín Alomar; Joan Dalmau Arias, Esther Roé Crespo. Departamento de Dermatología del Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau. Barcelona.

Depresión en adultos con vitiligo que asisten a una consulta dermatológica

María Gabriela Blanco | Publicado: 27/03/2010 | Psicología, Dermatología y Venereología, Psiquiatría


Dres. J.L. Rodríguez Peralto, J. Salamanca y B. Rosales Trujillo

Factores psicobiológicos en vitiligo infantil: Posible rol en su génesis e impacto en la calidad de vida

Rodrigo Schwartz, Juan Enrique Sepúlveda, Teresa Quintana

Nuevas opciones en el tratamiento del vitíligo

F. J. MIQUEL MIQUEL Y A. ALIAGA BONICHE Servicio de Dermatología. Hospital de la Ribera. Alzira (Valencia). Servicio de Dermatología. Hospital General Universitario. Valencia

Actualización en Vitíligo

IntraMed – Artículos – Dres. Alain Taieb y Mauro Picardo. The New England Journal of Medicine, 2009; 130:160-169.


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  • Polígono la Estrella, C/ Berroa nave 16
    31192, Tajonar – Navarra
  • 00 34 948 806 051
  • admin@abedulfarma.com
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